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People in Scoping

People in Scoping
Written by David P.

About twelve years ago I decided I needed a new endeavor to occupy my mind. I went to a local store and bought a cheap metal detector to play around with on the weekends. The hunt, the excitement, and the adventure of tracking things down sort of got in my blood. Treasure hunting is really exciting to do; I found myself spending more and more time with my new interest.

Basically I am a very open minded person. I want to know all there is to know about things that would help me hunt treasure. I even became involved in psychics. I went to the most expensive approach to finding lost treasure so I dismissed the avenue of discovering missing items. But that is OK, I will try each thing even if it seems far fetched or far out.

If you check out everything and keep on going you will find something that works. I found that an Electroscope® would work for me. When I got my scope a few years back everybody I showed it to was extremely skeptical about my new instrument. To tell the truth, I was uneasy about it too. But I got it, gave it a fair shake, and it proved out. That got me excited.

When I got my Model 301 Electroscope® I took it out of the box and studied the instruction book 
from cover to cover. I watched the film three times, got in my car and went treasure hunting

I had an extremely well researched lead so I went right out there with my scope. I had the lead narrowed down to about a 100 acre property, but I couldn't get any closer than that. I had it documented all the way down to that piece of property. I went straight to the site and the first thing I did was get a "hit". Remember this was the first day I owned a scope. I put the metal detector down, right in the middle of nowhere, and "boom" I got this big signal. Out came the shovels from the car. I dug as fast as I could with the dirt just flying. I dug down about 2 and ½ feet and found, to my utter disgust, a cast iron stove. I couldn't believe it! This was my first scoping experience. After I dug up the stove I figured it was time to go back to the house and learn about the discriminator.

I went back home and made a test field to learn how to use the discriminator. I didn't have anyone around my area to ask for proper instructions in scope operation. I found later that the scope can find all metals. That was why I dug up the stove. I called Thomas for advice and he offered some good help.

I had my wife hide things in the yard for me to find. I would shoot through the walls of my house without even looking out the windows. I would triangulate from inside the house. Once I triangulated and got an exact pinpoint from about 45 feet through the walls. Of course I had to have a little luck on that occasion. I was figuring my angles on the floor because it was very cold outside and I didn't want to be out in the weather. I buried all sorts of targets, junk as well as precious metals. I used different sizes of objects. I worked for several weeks; I went back out hunting in the field. This kind of practice really built up my confidence in my ability and the efficiency of my Electroscope®.

I wasn't absolutely sure of myself yet. I would get readings and I wouldn't know for sure what I was doing. In the early stages when I would get a reading I would take a compass bearing from a point and mark it on an aerial photograph. The I would wait one or two weeks, long enough so I couldn't remember the details of the initial reading. I took thirty bearings at first. I would go back and use the scope again to see if I would get the same signal from the same bearing I would go and dig it up to see what it was. I learned by digging all these things the indications of the scope and what they implied in actual dug items.

I wanted more training so I talked to Tom and got on a plane for Williamsport. I spent three days of intensive training with Tom and Bob. I learned that the Electroscope® is an awesome treasure hunting tool and I wanted to be an expert in its use. That's why I went to see the experts, to learn from them. I hadn't intended to be a dealer or anything. I just wanted to go out and do my hunting.

I have advanced to a point now where I do not have to worry about discrimination settings. I can sweep my scope on maximum sensitivity and tell what the target is by the reaction of the antennas to how fast I am sweeping. The faster you sweep the harder it is for the scope to lock onto anything. If there is gold in front of you the scope will be attracted to it, even if you sweep fast. I hunt caches now instead of single coins. I gave up coin hunting several years ago. If I cannot anticipate six ounces of gold or silver I don't bother to dig.

However, we just made a film in Oklahoma where we were hunting for a single item. There was a robbery and the burglars were running away throwing loot as they ran. The robbers were caught by the police. Everything was recovered except for a two thousand dollar diamond ring that had great sentimental value to the land owner. All conventional methods had been used to locate the ring without success. They hunted for a year and a half but couldn't find it. The ring was lost on a sixty acre pasture.

The land owner contacted my friend and I. We went there and said we would find the ring but we wanted the recovery to be video-taped. We went to the pasture and all our actions were recorded on film. It took us thirty minutes to find the ring: we aced it and the entire event was recorded! We didn't get any compensation for the find, we just wanted to show what we could do with scopes.

I found that Tom and Bob are fine people. I became involved with the Electroscope® company. I am now kept very busy teaching individuals how to use an Electroscope®. I have taught hundreds and hundreds of people how to use the scope. Some of my students are from different parts of the world. I train people all the time. The scope is a very delicate, sensitive, and profitable instrument if you know how to use it properly.

I still spend a lot of time in the field searching for treasure. I don't mind sharing my knowledge and experience with others because the world is a big place and treasure will be found for a long time. If you use an Electroscope® though, the treasure hunting process becomes a lot more profitable.


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