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عرض المشاركات من مايو, 2017

A Nice Day for Treasure Hunting

A Nice Day for Treasure Hunting by Mike Bower There is something about getting up early and going treasure hunting; it can't really be described in any book and it is hard to put into any words. It was one of those day when everything was just perfect - no rain, no clouds, no wind, just a beautiful warm day. Since I was going on a longer trip, I had packed most of my gear the night before. My destination was an old boy scout camp, about an hour and a half from my home. It has been gone over for so many years by hundreds of detectors, it was written off by the most dedicated coin shooters. I was going to use my Model 20 Electroscope®, as I had been there just once before, and recovered some interesting finds. One dime, as a matter of fact, was 9 inches deep. (I always remember finds that are deep.) I was thrilled on the opportunity of getting back to this location - I felt there just had to be more silver there. All the way there I was dreaming of finding a handful of silver, po...

People in Scoping

People in Scoping Written by David P. About twelve years ago I decided I needed a new endeavor to occupy my mind. I went to a local store and bought a cheap metal detector to play around with on the weekends. The hunt, the excitement, and the adventure of tracking things down sort of got in my blood. Treasure hunting is really exciting to do; I found myself spending more and more time with my new interest. Basically I am a very open minded person. I want to know all there is to know about things that would help me hunt treasure. I even became involved in psychics. I went to the most expensive approach to finding lost treasure so I dismissed the avenue of discovering missing items. But that is OK, I will try each thing even if it seems far fetched or far out. If you check out everything and keep on going you will find something that works. I found that an Electroscope® would work for me. When I got my scope a few years back everybody I showed it to was extremely skeptica...